Employee Spotlight - Ed White

Ed white commerical insurance small business

Who are the people that our clients talk to, trust, and work with year after year? Get to know more about our agency by getting to know the people through our Employee Spotlight Series. 

What do you do here at Wells and how long have you been here? 
I have been here almost three years. I am in Commercial Lines in Select Sales with small businesses, small stores, and restaurants. We have people that deal with large companies, but I just deal with the small guys.  

What’s your background?
Originally I'm from Philadelphia and after college I started working at State Farm as a claims representative at State Farm, AAA, and another small local insurance company up there. Then I moved to a company called ACE, now called Chubb, and I did reinsurance claims there getting information and reimbursement for insurance companies large losses from reinsurance.


Why Wells? What brought you here and what do you like most about it?
I was working with a local agency who were getting bought by a bigger agency. Having been through those things before, I knew things were going to change even though they said they wouldn't, so I reached out to some colleagues that I knew locally. I came across Ashley Phillips that worked here at Wells. She said it was a great place, so I interviewed and after meeting everyone here, I could tell it would be a good fit. 


What's the best lesson you've learned throughout your career?
Best lesson I've learned is to not put off the harder things, especially during claims. If you have to make a call where you know somebody's not going to be happy about the amount of money they're getting, or if they're getting nothing at all, the call never becomes easier when you wait. It's always better to be proactive and get those things done.  

What's the biggest challenge you've had to overcome in your career?
The biggest challenge I've had to overcome was probably the career change from when I was in Philly. Coming down here to start doing sales of insurance, which I had never done, which was a 100% commission job. I had a family and so it was difficult and stressful to start from scratch.  


pizzza hutWhat's the first job you ever had?
I was a paper boy when I was like 12 back in Philadelphia, delivering the Daily News. I also had an uncle who laid carpet part time, so I did that in my early teens on the weekends here and there, but my first real paying job where I paid taxes was at Pizza Hut.  



telemarketerWhat's the weirdest job you've ever had?
I was a telemarketer for a time, a very short time. That's not what's weird about it. What's weird about it is I've come across an HBO documentary called Telemarketers, and it's about how this company was soliciting funds from people for things like Police, Athletic league and different charities. They were barely giving the charities any money and it was really crappy and I think I might have worked for them.

If you could do anything for a living, what would it be?
I think something more to do with my hands. I'm not very good at it, but I like building things and stuff like that. I like that satisfaction.

What do you like to do when you're not working?
One of the reasons we moved here is the beach. I love going to the beach and surfing and hanging out with the family there. Really anything outside, taking walks in the park, playing disc golf, riding a bike around town, walking around town...just being outdoors.


What’s volunteer activity/non-profit do you like to work with/support and why?
Well, by proxy I have a 13 year old who has autism, so anything involved with autism we've been involved in. Things like Surfers Healing and Special Olympics. Doing various fundraisers for the Autism Society, etc.


What's on your bucket list?
I would like to do some travel. It would have to be something like the Grand Canyon or Alaska, that's kind of expansive.


What’s your secret talent/super power no one knows about?

I was a bit of an artist in college. I took drawing classes and wrote short stories.  

What’s your greatest weakness?
I care too much. Sometimes I have a hard time saying no, and I might take on more than I need. 

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The relocation in general is not something a lot of people where I'm from do, and it's a head scratcher for a lot of people. My wife and I pinch ourselves a lot because we love where we live and can't believe we made it happen and we just barely did because I wouldn't be able to do it now.  


Favorite Book?
I like Stephen King books. I read most of his. 


Favorite Podcast?
listen to Conan O'Brien a lot.


Favorite TV Show?
Any sitcom. I can be a sucker and watch those for hours. Seinfeld, M.A.S.H. or Cheers or anything like that...I'm old! I remember the first runs LOL!  

mash-cast-1014x570 cheers

Favorite Movie?
The Big Lebowski! That's the default one...that's the one I can never turn off. I'm a good bowler too!

big Lebowski 

Favorite Band? 
Phish. I’ve been a Phish fan for 30 some years.


How do you define success?
I think if you're happy, you're successful.

What's the best advice you've been given?
There's less traffic on the High Road. So instead of squabbling over stupid little stuff, you know, just move on.

If you own a small business and have questions about commercial insurance, please reach out to Ed!

