Wells Insurance Blog

Top 3 Strategies for Golf Courses & Country Clubs to Lower The Ex-Mod

Written by Wells Insurance | Jun 8, 2023 8:47:40 PM

Experience Modification Rate (Ex-Mod) is a crucial factor that determines the workers' compensation insurance premium for businesses, including golf courses and country clubs. A lower Ex-Mod signifies a safer work environment and can result in lower insurance costs. Wells Insurance, as a trusted risk management and insurance partner, can help you implement these top three strategies to reduce your Ex-Mod and secure the best possible insurance rates for your golf course or country club.

1. Implement a Comprehensive Safety Program

A well-structured safety program can significantly reduce workplace injuries, ensuring a safer environment for your employees and lowering your Ex-Mod. This program should include:

  • Conducting regular safety training sessions for staff members
  • Establishing clear safety guidelines and protocols for equipment usage and maintenance
  • Encouraging employee involvement in identifying and addressing potential hazards
  • Regularly reviewing and updating safety policies to reflect current industry standards

Partnering with Wells Insurance will provide you access to valuable resources and expert guidance in developing and maintaining a comprehensive safety program tailored to your golf course or country club's specific needs.


2. Foster a Culture of Safety and Accountability

Creating a culture of safety and accountability among employees is essential to reducing workplace accidents and injuries, which directly impact your Ex-Mod. Encourage your staff to take responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their colleagues. This can be achieved through:

  • Setting achievable safety goals and recognizing employees who contribute to meeting them
  • Encouraging open communication about safety concerns and rewarding employees for reporting potential hazards
  • Providing ongoing safety training and resources to all employees, regardless of their position or tenure

Wells Insurance can support your efforts in building a safety-first culture by offering risk management advice, resources, and tools to help you navigate the complexities of workplace safety.

3. Manage Claims Proactively and Efficiently

  • Efficient claims management is crucial in reducing your Ex-Mod. Promptly addressing workers' compensation claims and taking proactive measures to minimize their impact on your insurance premiums is essential. Key steps include:
  • Reporting incidents and filing claims in a timely manner
  • Maintaining open communication with injured employees, ensuring they receive appropriate medical care and support throughout their recovery process
  • Implementing return-to-work programs that help injured employees transition back to work as soon as they are medically able

Wells Insurance's experienced claims management team can assist you in handling workers' compensation claims promptly and effectively, minimizing their impact on your Ex-Mod and insurance premiums.

By implementing these top three strategies, golf courses and country clubs can lower their Ex-Mod and help secure better insurance rates. With Wells Insurance as your risk management and insurance partner, you can access expert guidance, resources, and support to help you achieve a safer work environment and lower insurance costs.

Contact Wells Insurance today to discover how our tailored solutions can benefit your golf course or country club.

To learn more about our Golf program, we encourage you to reach out to our Golf and Country Club account executive, Brad Mickle by email or connect with him on LinkedIn.