Employee Spotlight - Jessica Parker

Jessica Parker Commercial Lines

Who are the people that our clients talk to, trust, and work with year after year? Get to know more about our agency by getting to know the people through our Employee Spotlight Series. 

What do you do here at Wells, what's your background, and how long have you been here?
I have worked here since 95. However, I am what they call a Boomerang employee. I left in 2005, came back in 2011, and I've been here ever since. My job here is Director of Commercial Lines, so I work with everybody who works in commercial lines; the sales, the service, the marketing. I do all of it. My background was banking. I was a teller for about four years in high school, then came here in 95, and I've done insurance ever since.

Why Wells? What brought you here (and back again) and what do you like most about it?
What brought me back to Wells was the family organization. In the interim, I was doing stocks and bonds and went into financial services to see if there was something else I wanted to do and every time I turned around, I was back in insurance. Even when I had left Wells, they had always kept in touch with me and checked in on me. When I was ready to get back into insurance, because that's what I knew what my passion was, they opened their arms back up for me to come back into the family here at Wells. 

What's the best lesson you've learned throughout your career?
The best lesson that I was ever taught was to keep eye contact and a firm handshake. Harold Wells III taught me that many, many years ago.


What's the biggest challenge you've had to overcome in your career?
The biggest challenge I've had to overcome was my work life balance when my husband had heart failure at 39. Wells was here for me the whole time. I was never alone in that journey. 
jess and husband

What's the first job you ever had?
My first job was CVS. Way before scanners, you had to punch out every single dollar and cents amount in. That's why I love my 10 key.

What's the weirdest job you ever had?
So I've only had like 5 jobs. Probably the weirdest thing I've ever had to do is clean the files in the basement. Back when we were not paperless, we kept all of our files in the basement. So every year we had to go through and reorganize and that was my job.
babyIf you could do anything for a living, what would it be?
Now this year, my answer is going to be that I would be a full time Grandma, because I have my first grandbaby. To spend every minute with her and be able to make a living at it, that would be cool.


What do you like to do when you're not working?
When I'm not working, I love to be near the water, whether it's the ocean, the river, a creek in the mountains. The water is my happy place. 

What’s volunteer activity/non-profit do you like to work with/support and why?
My favorite nonprofit would be Donate Life. My husband had a heart transplant in 2013, and he's still here with us today, so that is my favorite.
Donate Life America
vertical-shot-of-the-old-wooden-cabin-in-the-fores-2023-11-27-05-10-06-utcWhat's on your bucket list?
The top of my bucket list would be to own a home in the mountains...with a creek. LOL!




What's your secret talent/super-power that no one knows about?
I do have my motorcycle license.

What's your greatest weakness?
My greatest weakness would probably be my children, and now my grandbaby! Probably ten fold! 

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
The accomplishment I’m most proud of are probably my children. They turned out to be pretty cool human beings. I'm very proud of both of them. 

best of meFavorite Book?
Favorite book is “The Best of Me” by Nicholas Sparks, because (Spoiler Alert Ahead) at the end of it there is a heart transplant.  



Madam_Secretary_Poster_Season_5Favorite TV Show?
My favorite TV show is Madam Secretary. I can watch it over and over. I know it's not on anymore, but definitely a favorite of mine. 


iawlFavorite Movie?
My favorite movie is going to be “It's a Wonderful Life". It has it all...you laugh, you cry, every time the bell rings, no matter where you are now.  

InfamousFavorite Band? 
I would have to say my favorite band is going to be The Infamous Stringdusters. The Dobro player and I went to middle school together. He played clarinet before he got a guitar, so we were always fighting for the first, second, and third chair in our band.
How do you define success?
Knowing that I am helping others grow and just helping others. Whether it is donating my time or here at the office, knowing that I am helping others succeed, is how I define success. 
What's the best advice you've been given?
The best advice I've ever been given was by my mom who said, “Whatever you do, you need to love it. Don't hate your job.” I followed her advice because I love what I do and I love my job. 

With over 20 years of experience and as the Director of Commercial Lines, Jessica has a vast knowledge of commercial insurance. If you ever have questions, please reach out to her. 

