2022 Producer of the Year - John Blackwell

John Blackwell - Producer of the Year

We recently celebrated our Producer of the Year for 2022, John Blackwell who is an Account Executive in our Employee Benefits Department. We sat down and spoke with John about his career and his recent achievement...

JB hal
How long have you been here at Wells?
I just celebrated my 20th work anniversary this year, which is pretty neat. Time flies when you're having fun.

JB Family

What do you do here?
I split my time here at W
ells Insurance between the Employee Benefits and the Life Insurance Department. Fortunately for me they complement each other very well.

JB Hal 2
How did you start your career in insurance?

Right out of college, I
actually tried to play a little bit of professional golf. I knew I wanted to get into some type of industry where I could use my golf and my connections. I had some older friends/mentors that pointed me towards the insurance business. Hal and I were friends when we were teenagers, and when my wife and I decided to move to Wilmington from Atlanta, I reached out to him. The next thing I knew, he, Harold, and I were meeting in one of the Commercial Lines conference rooms and they offered me job.
JB Golf 2 

What does it mean to be awarded Producer of the Year?
 an honor to be named the the Producer of the Year. It means that obviously we've had a good year. It's always good to have something to reflect back on to know that I had a good year, worked hard, and was able to help a lot of our customers.


If you have any employee benefits or life insurance questions, please feel free to reach out John! 